Do you have a vision of helping and inspiring others via the publication of your book?
Do you have a vision of leaving a lasting legacy for your family?
Do you have a vision of others discovering you the author and your published book on the Internet and clicking to purchase your book at major book retailers?
Do you have a vision of signing copies of your book at a local book store or library?

Self-publishing your book can be overwhelming. The majority of self- publishing companies charge enormous fees and the process is time consuming. Unless you work with a traditional publishing company, after the book is published you as the author are responsible for marketing. Yet working with traditional publishing, the process is that you submit your work to literary agents who then submit your work to the publisher. Unless you are well known, this process can take over a year. Traditional publishers recommend that the author self -publish then build their own platform through self- marketing or paying a marketing company. After the author has established a following, then a traditional publisher will consider you.
The reason we write a book in the first place is because we have a compelling passion to impact the lives of others through our words.
Perhaps you have a strategy, and the tools that you put into a book
would be used as a resource for your clients. Of course, you don’t want to wait for over a year to have your book published. Maybe you have poetry that you want organized into a book. You wrote a novel, or put together health tips.
As an author of 44 self -published books for children, teens, and adults, I understand the journey, and I am here to help you throughout all the stages of the self- publishing process.
Therapy House is committed to creating an amazing publishing experience.
Paperback or Hardcover Publishing - Your book will be printed on acid free library stock paper with quality binding.
Digital Formatting and Distribution - Your book will be distributed online as an e-Book available through significant resellers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Worldwide Online Distribution - Your book will be available for sale online through external retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other resellers that may pick up your book from the Ingram and Baker & Taylor distribution networks.
Standard Cover Design – I will design a cover with you based on your vision. You will have 100% control.
Electronic Galley - Also referred to as “galley proof,” this is your cover and manuscript in a book layout with chapters and pagination. To ensure the final book design is 100% the way you want it, your galley is
e-mailed to you for review and approval before the book is ready for publish.
Revisions - You may want to make changes to your manuscript after proofreading your galley. This part is important for you to email me a second manuscript with all desired revisions.
Standard Page Design - You will have a say in creating visually appealing page designs bringing your story to life, and building your book's layout that fits your needs.
One Round of Cover Revisions - Have any tweaks you'd like to make to your cover? You have the option to make changes at no additional cost.
Amazon "Look Inside", Google, and Barnes & Noble "Read Instantly" Previews - Allow readers to take a peek inside your book creating interest online before purchasing it. Preview available on Amazon, Google, Barnes & Noble, etc.
ISBN Assignment - A 13-digit identifier is unique to your book and an industry requirement for distribution and retail sales. It allows distributors, retailers, printers, and readers to find and order your book easily.
US Copyright Registration – Therapy House registers your work with the US Copyright Office with copyright registration, so there’s a public record of your ownership of that manuscript.
You set the price and royalty % based on printing/ distribution costs and receive direct payments when books are sold.
Publishing rate $500